Recent News

President Grace Cotter Regan P'12 Receives Prestigious Award
An Update to the BC High Community

Football: Final Four Game Details

BC High Magazine
BC High magazine is published annually by the Office of the President. The BC High Today alumni magazine was replaced by BC High in Fall 2018 and is more than an alumni magazine, but a publication for the whole community.
We want to share with you not just the BC High of today, but stories of yesterday that inform our identity and dreams of tomorrow that will shape who we become. And we hope your friends, coworkers, clients, and our prospective families will have a window into this wonderful community at a simple glance.
Updates & Newsletters
The Arrupe Update is a weekly newsletter from the Arrupe Division Vice Principal’s office, to parents and students in grades 7 and 8. The newsletter is emailed every Friday afternoon, and keeps families informed of upcoming events and announcements for the week. For questions, contact Toni O’Connor, Director of Arrupe Division Operations, at toconnor@bchigh.edu.
The Eagle Update is a weekly newsletter from the Principal’s office, for students and parents in grades 9-12. The newsletter is emailed every Thursday afternoon, and highlights upcoming events, announcements and programs for high school families. For questions, contact Morgan Soutter P’24, ’26, Vice Principal for Operations soutter@bchigh.edu.
The Eagle is the student online newspaper serving the BC High community. The purpose is to keep the community aware of issues, information, and interests shared by everyone at BC High. Visit their website and twitter page @BCHighEagle for the latest news. For questions, contact Fr. John Predmore, SJ, club moderator, at jpredmore@bchigh.edu

Digital Media
Visit our Flickr page to see snapshots from BC High events.
Listen to our Podcast – “Back to the Point” – hosted by alumnus, Rick Goulding ’04.
Listen on Apple Podcasts or SoundCloud.
Social Media

President's Updates
Read our archive of monthly updates from President Grace Cotter Regan ’12
Media Inquiries
It’s our pleasure to work with the media, and members of our community are regularly available for interviews.
Film requires permission from the President’s Office. Please direct all inquiries to:
Colleen Carter Vice President of External Relations
- School Level:
- Department:
- ccarter@bchigh.edu
- 617-474-5039
- 617-474-5035