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Whole Heart

Arts have always been at the very core of a Jesuit education.

“By the late 16th century, the Jesuits became the most prolific patrons and producers of arts in the world. By building new churches, they became involved with architecture and painting. By building schools, they became involved in theater, music and dance.”

– Fr. John O’Malley, SJ

Whether you wish to explore acting, music, or the visual arts, you can tap into your passions deeply here.

The Fine and Performing Arts department is committed to an exploration of the arts in an inclusive environment through classes, exhibits, performances, guest speakers, and off-campus experiences. Throughout the year, the department offers both academic courses and co-curricular activities in visual and performing arts, along with the opportunity to travel and perform both locally and internationally.

Our dedicated and talented faculty will work with you to guide your passions and develop your creative and expressive potential.

Visual Arts

Visual Arts

Seeing is Believing

While not every student wishes to be an artist or designer, by nurturing your creativity, your life is enriched with the powerful ability to express your ideas. Visual literacy is essential in today’s world. Being inundated with images regularly from the media, consumer products, and the internet is simply the norm.

Skill-building begins in the Arrupe Division, where you are introduced to studio behavior and practice. The high school continues this investigation by offering courses in fine arts, media, and design.

Visual Arts opportunities include:

  • Drawing
  • Sculpture
  • Photography
  • Design
  • Ceramics
  • Advanced Placement Studio Art

Performing Arts

Enter: the Dever Players

Meet BC High’s theatrical performance ensemble, the Dever Players. Throughout the year, the group performs a variety of plays exploring various styles, genres, and technical areas. Our performances often reflect the Jesuit tradition that challenges us to grapple with big ideas and directs us to live ad majorem Dei gloriam, for the greater glory of God.

If you’ve got the theater bug, come participate as a technician, actor, house or stage crew and receive academic credit in the fine arts. Shows are strategically scheduled so athletes can participate during their off-season.


Rock on, Eagles

For many boys at BC High, the question isn’t whether he’ll join a band, the question is: which one!
Liturgical musicians

Liturgical musicians

The BC High Liturgical Musicians, singers and instrumentalists are devoted to contributing to the liturgical life of the school through song. Their goal is to develop the musical talents of each student so that he may use his voice in song for the greater glory of God while enriching the liturgical services at the school. They provide an important service through music ministry and develop skills in teamwork, public performance and professionalism.

Opportunities for Liturgical Musicians include:

  • School-wide Liturgies
  • Graduation Mass
  • Advent Lessons & Carols
  • Father-Son Communion Breakfast
  • Campion Center Visits


Whether it’s rock that sparks your interest or jazz, as a young performer, you have plenty of options here at BC High.

Concert Band

The Concert Band, simply referred to as “Band”, functions as a pep-band, performing for the varsity football team at home games and at the annual Thanksgiving game during the Fall. In mid-October, the band begins to prepare their performance for the annual Christmas Concert.

Major performances include:

  • Home varsity football games
  • Christmas concert
  • National Honor Society Induction
  • Annual March concert
  • Senior-week concert
  • Graduation ceremony
  • Chamber Orchestra

    The Chamber Orchestra provides an opportunity to learn instruments such as violin, viola, cello, bass violin, and piano. The orchestra performs classical and light classical works at special school ceremonies as well as the annual school concert performance.

  • Jazz Big Band

    In Jazz Big Band, horn players are drawn from the Concert Band, while piano, bass, guitar, and drums are open to all students with experience on their instruments.

    Major performances include:

    • Holiday Concert in December
    • Jazz Night in February
    • Arts Festival in March
    • Spring Concert in May
  • Jazz Rock Ensemble

    The Jazz/Rock Ensemble Members are selected by audition.

    Major performances include:

    • Holiday Concert in December
    • Jazz Night in February
    • Arts Festival in March
    • Spring Concert in May


If you are a young vocalists with a dream to perform the world’s finest music, you will flourish here.

Students receive academic credit for participation in the Concert Choir or Chamber Singers.

  • Concert Choir

    The Boston College High School Concert Choir performs music of all periods — from Renaissance to contemporary — with an emphasis on expression and response to different musical styles. The Choir provides you the opportunity to develop individually as a vocalist and as an integral member of a refined choir. These lifelong skills are carried over to the concert hall, classroom, and world. The Concert Choir participates in school events and concerts. It is open to all students and faculty.

  • The Chamber Singers

    The Chamber Singers are a select Honors Choir that performs a higher level of choral repertoire from all periods, with various styles of music. The Chamber Singers have performed at school and special events, as well as major state, national, and international festivals and competitions. Participation is open to members of the Concert Choir and other students by audition.

  • Travel and Performances

    BC High School Concert Choir and Chamber Singers have traveled extensively during the past several years, singing and practicing its craft. Local performances include annual concerts with choirs from other schools.

    National Performances

    International Performances

    • First American Choir to perform at Kazan State University Choir Festival in Russia
    • St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican
    • St. Kevin’s (Glendalough), St. Canice’s Cathedral (Kilkenny), and St. Patrick’s Cathedral (Dublin)