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Parents' Association

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2024-25 BCHPA Leadership (Coming Soon)

Please email [email protected] if you have any questions for the BCHPA Leadership Team.


At Boston College High School, parents are a vital part of our community, and your partnership with us in the growth of your son is essential.

The Boston College High Parents’ Association (BCHPA) is comprised of all parents and guardians who have current students enrolled in Arrupe and/or the High School. The parent-led BCHPA collaborates with the school’s executive administration on behalf of all families and provides leadership and oversight to all BCHPA Committees.

The BCHPA strives to create event programming and activities in conjunction with the school. The varied events and activities are designed to foster community amongst parents, caregivers, and students, welcome new families, support the school’s culture, and promote diversity, equity, inclusion and belonging. All programs and events are open and accessible to all adults (with student participation as appropriate.)

The key areas of focus for the BCHPA include:
• Class Reps
• Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
• Eagle Store
• Enrollment Volunteers
• Parent Giving
• Parent Programming and Events

The BCHPA goals and values are aligned with the Jesuit mission to seek to do all things for the Greater Glory of God.

Upcoming Events

Wednesday, August 28 at 6:15pm – Freshman Convocation for Freshman Students, Parents & Guardians
Thursday, August 29 at 8:30am – New Arrupe Parent/Guardian Coffee
Friday, September 6 at 8am – Mass of the Holy Spirit & Parent/Guardian Welcome Coffee.  Register here.

See the BCHPA Facebook page for additional details and Zoom links.  For questions about events in the Eagle or Arrupe Updates, please contact Maureen Oates P’21, ’24, ‘28 BCHPA Vice President, at [email protected].



Ways To Get Involved

All BCHPA initiatives are planned and supported by parent volunteers. We invite each and every one of you to become involved, however fits your schedule. All BCHPA initiatives are planned and supported by parent volunteers. We invite each and every one of you to become involved, however fits your schedule. Click here or scan the QR code to see the volunteer opportunities.

Questions? Email Maureen Oates P’21, ’24, ‘28 BCHPA Vice President, at [email protected], or Colleen Carter, Vice President of External Relations at [email protected].

  • Class Representatives

    Class Reps engage parents and students in each grade (seniors, juniors, sophomores, etc…) in activities throughout the year. The Class Reps also work to keep parents engaged and informed of any school and/or class specific events.  There are typically three Class Reps for each year.

    Melissa Lyons Costa P’25
    Kate Lozano P’27, ’28
    Heather Schmid Mehdi P’29

  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

    The DEI Committee welcomes all families, students, faculty, and staff regardless of each person’s background, culture, experiences, nationality, religion, LGBTQIA+, race, ethnicity, age, ability, or socioeconomic status to participate. In addition, we facilitate event programming lead by staff on a variety of related topics and we host occasional parent coffees. Committee meetings are held monthly on Zoom. All are encouraged to attend.

    Tenzin Dengkhim P’27
    Aiyana Lakes P’29

  • Eagle Store

    The Eagle Store is our “pop-up” shop that is available at various events throughout the year.  Parents help with staffing the Pop-Up Events. 

    Rory Earley P’30
    Christy MacLetchie P ’25, ‘27

  • Enrollment

    The Enrollment Committee assists the Office of Enrollment to create a welcoming community for potential new students and their families through events and family cultivation.  Parents volunteer for Enrollment events such as the School Fair, Open House, Information Nights, Revisit Days, etc. and also help with email/phone outreach to prospective families.

    Melanie Robinson Findley P’25
    Mary Shertenlieb P’26, ‘29

  • Parent Giving

    The Parent Giving Committee meets quarterly and helps advance the mission of BC High through fundraising events, peer-to-peer solicitations, and parent campaigns.

    Peter and Tracey Welsh, P’22, ’26

  • Parent Programming and Events

    The Parent Programming and Events Committee meets once a month over Zoom, and works with the school to propose, create, and help facilitate parent programming and events.

    Betsy Emsing P’23, ’25, ‘26
    Maureen Gomes P’26
    Monica Gonzalez P’25