To our Golden Eagle classes, We are calling you back to campus for a day of celebration and fellowship.
Advent Liturgy hosted by BC High’s Parent Association
The BC High Parents’ Association is pleased to welcome mothers (past and present), grandmothers, and female guardians to join us for a special, annual event — Advent Liturgy and Dinner on Sunday, December 3, 2023.
The evening will begin with Mass at 4:00 p.m. in Bulger Performing Arts Center with a performance by BC High’s Concert Choir. Following Mass, we will adjourn to the Hunter-Fahey Commons for food and fellowship from 5 – 7:00 p.m. Registration will begin at 3:30 p.m.
Tickets: $75/person
This year, we’re pleased to work with the Center for Ignatian Identity & Formation and My Brother’s Keeper for the annual gift drive. As a reminder, your son(s) may be participating with a club or team as well. Donations from this event will be in addition to the families BC High supports. If you would like to participate, please bring your gift unwrapped to the event to be placed under the tree.
My Brothers Keeper Suggestions
Questions? Please contact Betsy Emsing P’23, ’25, ’26, Program/Events Co-Chair, BC High Parents Association at [email protected]
If the cost of the event is prohibitive, please contact Colleen Carter, VP of External Relations at [email protected] or 617.474.5039
Registration is now closed. If you would like to attend the event, please fill out the form below and you can pay at registration.
Advent Liturgy & Dinner