BC High will host Dr. Michael Reichert author of How to Raise a Boy on Wednesday, April 27 for a special luncheon with our parent community. All are welcome.
Michael is an applied and research psychologist who has long been an advocate for children and families. From counseling youth involved in the juvenile justice system and leading treatment teams in a psychiatric hospital to managing an independent clinical practice, Dr. Reichert has tested his understanding of children with real, even life-threatening, challenges. He has also immersed himself in research and consultation experiences that have afforded a deeper understanding of the conditions that allow a child to flourish in natural contexts: families, schools and communities. He has created and run programs in both inner city communities and in some of the most affluent suburban communities in the world. Working across such varied conditions, he has come to a profound appreciation for the hard science of human development.
Please contact Mike O’Brien, Senior Director of Alumni & Family Engagement & Annual Giving with questions at mobrien@bchigh.edu.