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Model UN Conference

2025 Conference Agenda – coming soon 



Welcome from the Secretary General

Dear Delegates,

Greetings Delegates,
The Boston College High School Model United Nations club cordially invites you to BC High Model United Nations Conference XXXIII on Saturday, March 1st, 2025, from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM at our campus in Dorchester, MA.

Our club is mostly student-led, which will be reflected in how we will run BC High Model UN conference XXXIII. Traditionally, our conference has brought together young men and women from across Massachusetts and New England. Our committees are mock versions of National and International organizations ranging from ancient times to the present and even futuristic topics. Our goal is for all delegates to walk out of committees with newfound knowledge and understanding of how the United Nations and other organizations work, by cooperating to resolve global issues.

Participants will engage in discussions with other students with different agendas and beliefs, with the final goal being to pass a resolution. By going through this process, delegates will retain a deeper understanding of the larger issue, while using their skills of negotiation, debate, and public speaking.

We eagerly await your presence and participation in BCHMUNC XXXIII.

With cordial regards from the entire BC High MUN secretariat,

Joachim Arokiaraj ‘25
Boston College High School Model United Nation

Meet the 2025 Officers

  • Chris Brazeau ’25

    Deputy Secretary General
    I have a passion for public speaking.
  • ? MUN member

  • Bruno Andrews Mundo ’27

  • Chris Curran ’25

    Director of Financial Affairs
  • Dante Minacapilli ’25

    Ministre des Deleques
    I love participating in St. Louis Project and playing ultimate frisbee.
  • Jayden Ng ’25

    Protocol Officer
  • KinJia Wong ’26

    Crisis Director
  • KinYuan Wong ’26

    Communications Director
  • Lucas Silaj ’25

    Assistant to the Ministre des Deleques
  • Madoc Robinson ’26

    Deputy Conference President
    Amateur DJ.
  • Max Achab ’25

    Under Secretary General
    Good style but even better rebuttals.
  • Miquel Alamo-Gotera ’27

  • Patrick Kelly ’25

    Having a good time playing prop in rugby.
  • Patrick Reed ’27

    Chef du Cabinet
    I am very passionate about politics.
  • Simon Trejo ’25

    I also like to cook (did not take this from Vedant).
  • Vedant Agarwal ’25

    Conference Presidential
    I like to cook.
  • William Remley ’25

    Deputy Director of Finance
  • William Yang-Goodwin

    Liaison Officer
  • Joachim Arokiaraj ’25

    Secretary General
  • Nolan Seebeck ’25

    Change D'Affaires

Contact Information

(Committee preferences/assignment questions)

Conference Chairs
Joachim Arokiaraj ’25
[email protected]

Vedant Agarwall ’25
[email protected]

Director of Finances
Christopher Curran ’25
[email protected]

Assistant Director of Finances
William Remley ’25
[email protected]

Dr. Nicholas Argento, Social Studies Department
[email protected]

2024 Committees & Background Guides

Committee background guides posted on February 7, 2024

Conference Position Paper
Preparing a one to two page double spaced position paper is required for all delegates at the conference. We require this to focus everyone’s attention on the committee topics ahead of time. We have found that preparing these promotes more thoughtful discussion. Do not let this requirement impede your decision to attend this conference. We are only trying to make the discussion better.

Committee Levels

A = Advanced
I = Intermediate
All Abilities = Any Level
Middle School = Middle School specific

  • Crisis: ‘Boston Strong’ - 2013 Boston Marathon Bombing (A)

    Chair: Liam Heffernan
    Co-Chair: Jack Reardon
    Crisis Director: Will Yang-Goodwin

    It’s April 15th, 2013. Two bombs have just exploded at the finish line of the Boston Marathon. In order to figure out what the next steps should be, you begin collaborating with politicians, experts, and police officers. What will you decide to do?
    Questions To Consider:
    – What should you prioritize in the immediate aftermath of the bombing?
    – How will you go about identifying and pursuing the suspects?
    – How do you deal with the City of Boston and public safety?
    – What are the international implications of the terrorist act?

    Background Guide
  • Crisis: ‘Sic Semper Tyrannis’ - Roman Senate: Assassination of Julius Caesar (A))

    Chair: Daniel Linnehan
    Co-Chair: Sheadon O’Leary
    Crisis Director: KinJia Wong

    On the Ides of March, 44 B.C. Gaius Julius Caesar was assassinated by a cabal of senators, fearful of his Kingly ambitions. Three days after the daggers were drawn the Senate met to determine the future fate of Rome and her political structure. Will you avoid a civil war and broker a fair and peaceful agreement or will you “cry havoc and release the dogs of war”?

    Questions To Consider:
    – What will be the fate of the conspirators?
    – What will be the fate of the anti-conspirator Cesareans?
    – What will be the fate of Caesar’s policies and reforms?
    – What changes, if any, will be made to the Roman Republic?

    Background Guide
  • JCC: ‘Three Principles of The People’ - 2030 China-Taiwan Invasion: Allies (A)

    Chair: Nolan Seebeck
    Co-Chair: Dante Minacapilli
    Crisis Director: KinYuan Wong

    The year is 2028 and with the rest of the world distracted with the US elections, Israeli Palestinian Conflict, and the conflict in Ukraine, China launches a full-scale invasion of Taiwan. The Chinese military can capture around half of the island before both sides reach a de facto cease-fire. Now in 2030, Taiwan has called a meeting with its allies as it fears that conflict will arise once again.

    Questions To Consider:
    – Who will come to Taiwan’s aid in their fight for sovereignty?
    – How should allied countries navigate the economic repercussions of aiding Taiwan?
    – How can the Taiwanese civilians be ensured safety?

    Background Guide
  • JCC: ‘Three Principles of The People’ - 2030 China-Taiwan Invasion: China (I)

    Chair: Griffin Mozinski
    Co-Chair: Christopher Affonso
    Crisis Director: KinYuan Wong

    After years of ambiguity and disregard for the People’s Republic of China’s sovereignty, the nation takes action. In 2028 the Chinese army invaded Taiwan in hopes of recapturing and unifying the rogue province governed from Taipei. As a stalemate arises from an increasingly brutal guerrilla war, China and its allies must decide how to best move forward and defend their rights to the newly developing and mysterious technologies in Taiwan that may very well power the future of the world.

    Questions To Consider:
    1. What has the impact and value of the novel superconductor technology been for contingent individuals and countries?
    2. How can the development and trade of superconductor technology be protected, enhanced, and sustained in light of recent international pressures?
    3. Will concentrated, multilateral military action be necessary for maintaining dominion over the province of Taiwan?

    Background Guide
  • Crisis: ‘The Fire Rises' - Hunger Games (I)

    Chair: Vedant Agarwal
    Co-Chair: Michael Roosevelt
    Crisis Director: Aaron Fernandes

    Welcome, esteemed delegates, to the Capitol Hunger Games Crisis Committee, a crucial council entrusted with the colossal task of safeguarding the Capitol’s unwavering authority in the face of the emerging Rebellion Force, symbolized by the Mockingjay. As delegates navigate this crisis, their discerning strategies will determine the Capitol’s fate. Delve into diplomatic, strategic, and propagandist measures to protect Capitol strength while addressing the underlying causes of rebellion. Delegates’ instrumental insights will intricately shape the narrative and dictate the direction of the Capitol’s authority that now rests in the delegates’ capable hands. May your deliberations be strategic, your alliances astute, and the Capitol’s authority resolute. May the Capitol endure.

    Questions To Consider:
    1. How can the committee craft strategies that assert Capitol control without further worsening tensions among the districts?
    2. In devising measures to showcase Capitol’s strength, how can the committee proactively address the underlying causes of rebellion?
    3. As the international community observes the crisis, how can the committee leverage diplomatic channels to secure external support and understanding for Capitol actions?
    4. In countering the Rebellion Force led by the Mockingjay, what innovative and comprehensive propaganda campaigns can the committee develop?
    5. Beyond immediate crisis management, how can the committee contribute to the establishment of long-term stability within Panem?

    Background Guide
  • United Nations Security Council: 2020 (I)

    Chair: Andrew Mozinski
    Co-Chair: Tate Lonsdale

    The main focus of the MUN Security Council, in 2020 is to tackle the consequences of COVID-19 by promoting global cooperation. The delegates will engage in discussions regarding the distribution of vaccines, strategies for recovery, and finding a balance between public health measures and individual freedoms.
    Questions To Consider:
    1. How can nations ensure fair access to vaccines and medical resources?
    2. What strategies can be implemented to revive economies while prioritizing public health?
    3. How should governments balance the enforcement of health measures with the protection of individual rights and freedoms?
    4. How can the government protect small businesses that are marginalized by the pandemic
    5. What measures should be taken to protect individuals who occupy densely populated areas

    Background Guide
  • Commission on The Status of Women (CSW): Feminization of Poverty (I)

    Chair: Max Achab
    Co-Chair: Rhodes Lee

    The Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) is a pivotal committee within the United Nations focusing on gender equality and women’s empowerment. Specifically addressing the “Feminization of Poverty,” this committee examines how poverty disproportionately affects women worldwide, exploring the complex interplay of economic, social, and cultural factors leading to this inequality. Through discussions and policy recommendations, the CSW strives to create strategies to uplift and empower women, aiming to eradicate poverty’s gendered impact on a global scale.

    Questions To Consider:
    1. How does gender inequality contribute to the phenomenon of the “Feminization of Poverty”?
    2. What are the primary factors that make women more vulnerable to poverty compared to men?
    3. What role do cultural norms and systemic biases play in perpetuating poverty among women?
    4. How can education and employment opportunities be leveraged to alleviate the feminization of poverty?
    5. What policies and initiatives can governments and organizations implement to address and diminish this issue globally?

    Background Guide
  • The Second United Nations Convention on Law of the Sea (UNCLOS): South China Sea (all abilities)

    Chair: Will Hartford
    Co-chair: Patrick Kelly

    Almost all nations surrounding the South China Sea have long engaged in territorial disputes threatening the authority, autonomy, and sovereignty of many surrounding nations. In recent decades, the severity of these territorial disputes has escalated, marked by the adoption of increasingly assertive tactics by claimant nations. Delegations in the committee should aim to formulate diplomatic solutions that promote regional stability, uphold international law, and safeguard the rights and interests of all parties involved.

    Questions to Consider:
    1. How can the international community balance the competing claims in the South China Sea while upholding the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity?
    2. What role should regional organizations like ASEAN play in mediating and resolving the crisis?
    3. How can the United Nations and UNCLOS be leveraged to promote a peaceful resolution to the disputes in the South China Sea?
    4. To what extent do historical factors contribute to the current tensions, and how can these historical grievances be addressed in diplomatic efforts?

    Background Guide
  • United Nations Educational, Scientific, And Cultural Organization (UNESCO): Stolen Antiquities (all abilities)

    Chair: Simon Trejo
    Co-Chair: Eli Lamousnery

    The return of artifacts and antiquities to their countries of origin is a crucial matter and the debate relating to the matter is extensively contested as opinions from both sides try to seek justice while actively supporting their point of view. Those who support the repatriation of cultural artifacts believe that the return of those artifacts could not only benefit greatly to the countries where the artifacts find their origin but also act as a proper expression of justice. While those who argue for the return of the stolen artifacts, consider it highly positive for a museum to be able to offer a diverse range of art and educate visitors about different cultures.

    Questions To Consider:
    1. How should museums and private collectors handle antiquities with unclear provenance? What responsibilities do institutions and collectors have in ensuring ethical acquisition practices?
    2. What ethical considerations surround the ownership and display of stolen antiquities? How can the international community promote ethical practices in dealing with cultural artifacts?
    3. What international laws and conventions address the trade and repatriation of stolen antiquities? How effective are these legal frameworks in preventing the illicit trade of cultural heritage?
    4. How can nations collaborate to prevent the illegal trafficking of stolen antiquities? Are there successful examples of international cooperation in repatriating stolen cultural artifacts?
    5. What challenges do countries face when attempting to repatriate stolen antiquities? How can these challenges be addressed at both national and international levels?

    Background Guide
  • First Committee - Disarmament and International Security (DISEC): Antarctica Resources (all abilities)

    Chair: Danny Moylan
    Co-Chair: Lucas Patel

    Antarctica is a vast, untapped, and frozen frontier that is home to a uniquely isolated ecosystem and valuable resources. Delegates in this DISEC will work to strike the tedious balance between economic opportunity and environmental conservation over the world’s largest freshwater reserves. With overlapping territorial claims, potential conflicts, private corporations, and global warming all in the limelight, delegates must collaborate to save Antarctica’s ecology while harnessing the economic potential of the continent’s natural resources.

    Questions To Consider:
    1. What are the potential impacts of climate change on Antarctica and its resources, and what measures can be proposed to mitigate these effects?
    2. How can the international community balance the exploration and utilization of Antarctic resources while preserving the continent’s ecosystem?
    3. In what ways can countries collaborate to establish frameworks for the distribution of Antarctic resources, considering the diverse interests and capabilities of participating nations?
    4. How should the committee address and mitigate potential conflicts arising from overlapping territorial claims in Antarctica?
    5. How should the committee navigate the involvement of private corporations in Antarctic resource exploration, and what regulatory frameworks could be established to ensure responsible business practices?
    6. Considering the remote and harsh conditions of Antarctica, what measures can be implemented to enhance international cooperation in search and rescue operations and emergency response, particularly in the context of resource exploration activities?

    Background Guide
  • United States Senate: Immigration (all abilities)

    Chair: Chris Brazeau
    Co-Chair: Christopher Curran

    The United States Senate is facing a critical immigration crisis marked by an increase in migrants seeking refuge and new opportunities. This has dragged an escalating public attention and political tensions, which lawmakers must navigate complex challenges to formulate equitable policies. This situation demands new diplomatic solutions to balance humanitarian concerns with national security and economic benefits. Senators must create stability, uphold humanitarian norms, and protect American citizens.

    Questions To Consider:

    1. What are the root causes of the modern-day immigration crisis in the United States?
    2. How have recent immigration policies impacted communities and individuals?
    3. What are the ethical considerations in addressing immigration, and how can they be balanced with national interests?
    4. How can the U.S. check immigrants for security without being unfair based on nationality?
    5. How can immigration policies keep the border secure while treating migrants, especially minors, with care?

    Background Guide
  • British House of Commons: Monarchy or Republic (I)

    Chair: Charlie Donovan
    Co-Chair: Max Kelly

    The British House of Commons is one of two legislative bodies that comprise British Parliament. In this committee, we will delve into the hot topic of the future of England’s government: monarchy or republic? In recent years, there appears to be a significant disconnection between the people, Parliament, and the British Monarchy. Approximately 50% of young adults finding themselves disconnected to the Crown.

    Questions To Consider:
    1. How do public perceptions of the monarchy influence the political climate in the UK? To what extent does the monarchy contribute to national identity, and are there growing sentiments for or against maintaining a constitutional monarchy? If so, how should they be managed?

    2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the current British governing system in terms of political stability, representation, and governance?

    3. What specific constitutional documents or laws define the roles and powers of the British monarchy and Parliament? How have these legal foundations evolved over time, and what implications do they have for the functioning of the government?

    Background Guide
  • The Third Vatican Ecumenical Council: Church Reform (A)

    Chair: Joachim Arokiaraj
    Co-Chair: Thomas Feeney

    Imagine this: It is the end of 2024 and the world is full of raging conflicts. Between the Russia-Ukraine conflict, the Israel-Palestine conflict, and the Catholic Church at war between the old and the new. For many years, the Church experienced a dwindling population. As a prominent church leader during this time, how would you approach this most pressing issue?

    Questions to consider:
    • How do you plan to make the Church more accessible to a variety of communities throughout the world?
    • Would it be better to return the Church to its teachings and practice prior to Vatican II?
    • What role does the broader decline in Catholic and Christian worship play in all this?
    For example, progressive Catholics argue that issues of women’s roles such as ordination, diaconate and priesthood, same-sex marriage, LGBTQ+ acceptance are key issues. Conservative Catholics argue that the worship was more meaningful, theologically faithful, Spiritually fulfilling proper to Vatican II.

    Background Guide
  • The African Union: Basketball Africa League (all abilities)

    Chair: Patrick Cincotti
    Co-Chair: Charlie Bushley

    In the exciting world of basketball emerges an engaging forum that brings together passionate delegates to address critical issues at the intersection of sports, diplomacy, and economic development in the African context. Delegates in this committee will immerse themselves in the intricate world of professional basketball, focusing specifically on the BAL—a groundbreaking initiative aimed at elevating the sport’s profile and fostering socio-economic growth across the African continent.
    Questions To Consider:
    1. Youth Development and Education Through Basketball:
    – Analyzing strategies to use the BAL as a platform for youth development and education in African nations.
    – Addressing challenges and opportunities in creating basketball-focused educational programs and scholarships.
    2. Gender Equality in Basketball:
    – Discussing ways to promote gender equality within the BAL, ensuring equal opportunities for female athletes and administrators.
    – Exploring strategies to break gender stereotypes in African basketball and encourage female participation.
    3. Economic Impact and Job Creation:
    – Assessing the economic impact of the BAL on participating nations and local communities.
    – Formulating policies to maximize job creation, entrepreneurship, and economic growth associated with the league.
    4. Cultural Exchange and Diplomacy Through Basketball:
    – Examining the role of the BAL in fostering cultural exchange and diplomatic relations between African nations.
    – Developing initiatives to enhance cultural understanding and collaboration through basketball tournaments and events.
    5. Infrastructure Development:
    – Discussing the need for sports infrastructure development to support the growth of basketball in Africa.
    – Formulating plans for investments in stadiums, training facilities, and community courts to strengthen the basketball ecosystem.

    Background Guide
  • Middle School: UNCLOS: South China Sea

    Chairs: Madoc Robinson, Himnish Jindal
    Co-Chairs: David Fleurme, Scott Beuoy

    The South China Sea has been an area of dispute for many years. The global economic interest has led this conflict to threaten the stability of the global economy. The sovereignty of other states in the area has been in question as this situation continues to worsen. How will delegations solve this problem, enforce international law, and preserve stability?

    Questions To Consider:
    1. How can the international community balance the competing claims in the South China Sea while upholding the principles of sovereignty and territorial integrity?
    2. What role should regional organizations like ASEAN play in mediating and resolving the crisis?
    3. How can the United Nations and UNCLOS be leveraged to promote a peaceful resolution to the disputes in the South China Sea?
    4. To what extent do historical factors contribute to the current tensions, and how can these historical grievances be addressed in diplomatic efforts?

    Background Guide


The Ben Maher ’11 Best Position Paper Award:
Ben Maher was a two-time BC High Model UN Secretary General. He continued his Model UN work in college at Georgetown University. He had and continues to have now, a great love of writing including his work as a journalist with incredible interviews with the Occupy Wall Street protestors in Washington, DC. It is why we named this award after Ben.

A one to two page position paper is required for all participating delegates at the conference. We require this to focus everyone’s attention on the committee topics ahead of time. We have found that preparing these promotes more thoughtful discussion. Do not let this requirement impede your decision to attend this conference. We are only trying to make the discussion better. Delegates have two choices:

1. Submit the paper one week early to be considered for the Benjamin Maher’11 Best Paper Award, on February 28, 2024 by emailing the paper to the appropriate BC High Committee Chair. These papers must be properly cited using the MLA format.
2. Bring a hard copy with them to the conference on March 2, 2024.The Committee Chair is happy to help you with the paper. His school email address can be found on the cover page of the background guide.

The Chris Gidopoulos ’95 People’s Choice Award
We thank Catholic Memorial High School and Mr. Vin Bradley for creating the idea for this award. We name this award after Chris Gidopoulos’95. Chris was an amazing, award winning Model UN delegate. He continued Model UN at Harvard University. When he passed away unexpectedly in 2013, BC High Model UN decided to name the People’s Choice Award in Chris’ honor.

The Austin Martin ’95 Distinguished Delegate Award Given in committee. Austin was a BC High Secretary General who wrote our club’s constitution. He was known as Mr. Model UN. He is currently a global stock analyst who works in the international business world.


Founded in 1986, the BC High Model United Nations Club gives students the experience of diplomacy and learning about international issues. The BC High Model United Nations Club engages in an authentic simulation of the United Nations system by learning about the UN system, the skills of debate, compromise, conflict resolution and negotiation. MUN team members have fun learning about the workings of world diplomacy through the lens of current events.

Currently our club has 250 members. Students participation choose their participation levels. There are weekly Wednesday meetings, weekend conferences, or overnight conferences. Some students attend everything while others participate when they are able.

BC High is proud to participate in conferences around the United States. Listed are a sample of the exciting opportunities our students have been a part of:

  • St. John’s High School – Shrewsbury Model UN (October)
  • Stanford University Model UN–Palo Alto, CA (November)
  • College of William and Mary, Williamsburg, VA (November)
  • Vanderbilt University Model UN
  • Catholic Memorial High School Model UN (November)
  • New York City Visit to the United Nations—tour and interview of a mission rep
  • St. John’s Prep–– Danvers Model UN (December)
  • Seekonk High School (January)
  • Yale University Model UN (January)
  • North American Invitational Model UN at Georgetown University
  • University of Chicago Model UN
  • Duke University
  • University of Georgia
  • Sandwich High Model UN (April)

We are grateful to have hosted some remarkable speakers over the last several years.

    • Diego Aria, President of the UN Security Council
    • Quanuquanei Karmue, Executive Director & Co-Founder at Save More Kids
    • Hon. A. Paul Celluci, US Ambassador to Canada and former Massachusetts Governor
    • Rick Walsh’02 Special Assistant to the Undersecretary of State, US State Department
    • Dermott Groome, Chief Prosecutor, The Hague, Netherlands
    • Congressman Michael Capuano (D-MA)
    • John Bird, CIA Analyst Cuban Missile Crisis
    • Sheryl & Matt from Boston Homeless Shelter
    • Jared Owen Massachusetts Recovery Center for Addiction
    • Gregory LoGerfo’91, US State Department – Acting Principal Deputy Coordinator Bureau of Counterterrosim
    • Ambassador Linda Thomas Greenfield, US Ambassador to the United Nations
A successful day at the Catholic Memorial Model UN Conference
Stanford University
Touring the Pentagon
Exploring at the University of Richmond
Seekonk High School
BC HIgh Model UN at Georgetown Conference
Georgetown Conference
BCH at Half Moon Bay
BC High Model UN at Half Moon Bay, after a great weekend of debate at Stanford University

2024 Registration & Schedule

BC High Model UN XXXII

BC High MODEL UN Conference XXXII SATURDAY MARCH 2, 2024 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Cost per delegate: $45. There are no delegation or moderator fees.

Only an adult moderator affiliated with your school may register. All delegates must be accompanied by a school approved adult. No student may register their school nor attend the conference without an adult. An email registration and a promise to pay the delegate fees is required. Once received, we will send you a request for your committee and country preferences.

It is better to underestimate your delegation total than overestimate it.

A $100 deposit is due by January 23, 2024. Make a credit card payment or a check payable to BC High., 150 Morrissey Blvd, Boston, MA 02125.

The $100 deposit reduces the total balance due for each school. For example: 10 delegates x $45 =$450. Subtract the $100 deposit, $450-$100= $350 balance due.

BC High Model UN Conference XXXII is an in-person conference.

*As of January 23, 2024, registration is now closed*

Important Dates

Jan. 23, 2024
Registration and $100 deposit, checks made payable to BC High. Tell us your
committee and country preferences as well as the number delegates that you anticipate
attending. It is better to underestimate than overestimate your delegate totals. Contact
Secretary General Zain Khan ‘24 with questions:
Zain Khan ’24, Secretary General: [email protected]

Director of Finances
Joachim Arokiaraj ’25: [email protected]

Assistant Director of Finances, Vedant Agarwal ’25:
[email protected]

Feb. 7, 2024
Delegates totals are fixed on this day. After this date, schools are financially responsible
for the reserved delegate total. Final payments are due. Background guides and country
assignments posted.

Conference Chair Matt Hunt ’24 sends moderators committee assignments
Matthew Hunt ’24: [email protected]

Feb. 16, 2024
Final payment is due to BC High. Make all checks payable to BC High 150 Morrissey Blvd. Boston, MA 02125

Attn: Dr. Nick Argento Model UN Moderator